The Carolingian Buffens Team
Mailing List
Change DANZA Settings
DANZA is Accademia della Danza's email mailing list. For those who are interested, DANZA is a Listserv list.
- We use DANZA to:
- - To post notices such as reminders of upcoming meetings.
- - To discuss meeting agendas and scheduling.
- - To continue discussions begun at meetings.
- - For whatever else we need to use it for.
To ask questions about DANZA send email to Phelan.
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Subscribing, Unsubscribing, and Posting
- To subscribe to DANZA:
- Send an email to
- Use whatever subject line you like, or leave the subject blank.
- Include the message: subscribe danza Your Name (fill in your
- You'll receive an email with more information.
- To post to DANZA:
- Address posts to
- Note that DANZA will prefix [DANZA] to all subject lines.
- To unsubscribe from DANZA:
- Send an email to
- Use whatever subject line you like, or leave the subject blank.
- Include the message: unsub danza.
- There are a couple of things to keep in mind when considering posting to
- - In order to minimize spam, the DANZA list is set up so that only
subscribers may post. This means that messages sent from
non-subscribers will not appear on the list.
- - Subscribers, in this sense, are email addresses, not people.
This means that if you are subscribed to the list under one email
address but try to post from an email address that is not subscribed, your
message will not appear on the list.
- - If you want to be able to post from two different addresses,
you must subscribe both of them to the list. Luckily, it is easy to do
this without having to receive double copies of each list post; see the
next section for how to do this.
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Changing Your DANZA Mail Settings
Aside from subscribing and unsubscribing, the other things you might want to do are to check or adjust your subscription's settings. The way to do either is to issue a command to DANZA, which is done by sending an email to the list's administrative email address, This is the same address used for subscribing and unsubscribing, which are simply the two most radical changes that can be made to a subscription. Confirmation of your current settings will be emailed to you each time you issue one of these commands.
- To check your DANZA settings:
- Send an email to
- Use whatever subject line you like, or leave the subject blank.
- Include the message: q danza.
- You'll receive an email noting your current settings.
There are three ways to receive DANZA list messages: individually, by digest, or not at all. Here is how to choose your preferred method:
- Individual messages
- You will receive list messages individually, as they are received by the
list. This is the default setting.
- To select this option an email to
- Use whatever subject line you like, or leave the subject blank.
- Include the message: set danza mail.
- You'll receive an email noting your current settings.
- Digests
- The DANZA list will send you emails that each contain a group of individual
list posts. This means that you will not receive posts as they are sent
to the list. This feature can be useful on some high volume lists, but it
is probably not worthwhile on DANZA.
- To select this option an email to
- Use whatever subject line you like, or leave the subject blank.
- Include the message: set danza digest.
- You'll receive an email noting your current settings.
- Nothing
- You are still subscribed to the list, but you don't receive any list
messages. Use this setting to temporarily shut off DANZA email without
unsubscribing, or to subscribe from multiple email addresses without having to
receive multiple copies of each list message (set all subscribed addresses but
one to this setting).
- To select this option an email to
- Use whatever subject line you like, or leave the subject blank.
- Include the message: set danza nomail.
- You'll receive an email noting your current settings.
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This page belongs to and is maintained by Jeremy H. Kessler. It was last updated on 23 September 2004.
(It's all you really need)