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If All the World Were Paper

4 couple round

Hands-8 into centre, fall back; set and turn single. Repeat.

Head men cross, head women cross; head couples circular hey 2 changes to places, partners facing. Side couples the same.

Partners side; set and turn single. Repeat.

Head couples forward a double and meet, lead contraries out between side couples and cast back to places. Side couples the same.

Partners arm R; set and turn single. Arm L; set and turn single.

1st man cross with 3rd woman while 1st woman cross with 3rd man (passing R shoulder), partners change places (passing R shoulder); circular hey 2 changes to places giving R hands to contraries and then L hands to partners. Side couples the same.

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This page belongs to and is maintained by Jeremy H. Kessler.  It was last updated on 04 April 2004.
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